
Policies that protect Amazima Ministries and our Staff.

Conflict of Interest Policy
Every employee has the right to discuss with their immediate supervisor, corresponding Director or the Leadership Team conditions of employment, job description, compensation, work environment, performance evaluation or human resources policies without fear of discrimination or repercussions. Amazima strives to ensure fair and honest treatment of all employees in an atmosphere of mutual respect and in light of our partnership in service for the cause of Christ. Should conflicts arise, the following is the recommended procedure for resolution:
  1. Employee should go directly to the individual with whom there is a problem.
  2. If resolution cannot be reached, the employee should next go to their immediate supervisor for counsel.
  3. If the conflict remains unresolved, the supervisor and/or the parties involved should go to the Managing Director.
  4. If no satisfactory resolution can be achieved, the matter may be brought to an appropriate representation of the Leadership Team.
In matters of harassment, please refer to the procedures outlined in Section 508 below. In sensitive matters involving an employee’s immediate supervisor, the employee may contact the Managing Director or a member of the Board in the event the Managing Director may already have some involvement directly.

Conflict Resolution Between Employees (The Peacemaker’s Pledge® Peacemaker’s Ministries)

We agree that when conflict arises, we will overlook what can be overlooked without compromising either the mission or the relationship. We also agree that where a relationship may be endangered or the mission may be interfered with, we will see conflict through to its desired end, so far as it’s possible with us (Romans 12:18). To that end, by the power of the Holy Spirit operative in us and as a mark of stewardship both of the relationships in the body and the purposes to which we commit ourselves, we pledge:
  1. To glorify God – more than winning or avoiding conflict, we want to honor God by depending on Him, obeying Him and seeking to maintain a loving attitude.
  2. To get the log out of our own eye – instead of attacking others or dwelling on their wrongdoings, we take responsibility for what we may have done to contribute to the problem at hand. In other words, before even presenting our case, we will seek to see how we may have sinned, how we may have been at fault. It is a step of humility, which better helps us approach the issues without harming others (see Matthew 7:1-5).
  3. To go and show our brother his fault – we will not avoid conflict or talk behind their back. We will talk directly and privately and graciously with those whose offenses are not the sort we can overlook. When unable to resolve it directly and privately, we will include a godly brother or sister to help us as needed. (Matthew 7:5, 18:15-20; Galatians 6:2)
  4. To go and be reconciled – we will not accept allowing relationships to die or have half-hearted resolutions. We will seek just, mutually satisfactory solutions, and offer sincere apologies and grant forgiveness as Christ would have us to do. (Matthew 5:23-24)
In keeping with these principles, as a matter of policy, Amazima staff is requested to agree that they will overlook what can be overlooked, go in private to those with whom you have an offense that cannot be overlooked, do not permit the relationship to wither, and involve the next person over them in the ministry if they cannot resolve it privately. If people from two different departments/areas are involved, we will ask the heads of both departments/areas or the staff persons over both areas be called in to help as needed.
Whistleblower Policy

The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act) and a number of other laws protect employees against retaliation for complaining to their employers, labor organizations, the Occupational and Health Administration (OSHA), or other government agencies about unsafe or unhealthful conditions in the workplace, environmental problems, certain public safety hazards, and certain violations of federal provisions concerning securities fraud, as well as for engaging in other related protected activities. Whisteblowers may not be transferred, denied a raise, have their hours reduced, or be fired or punished in any other way because they have exercised any right afforded them under one of the laws that protect whistleblowers.

Records and Retention Policy

Corporate Records

Name of RecordRetention Time
Incorporation documents (such as Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Constitution, etc.)Permanent
Governing board documents (such as meeting agendas & minutes, etc)Permanent
Insurance policies & related correspondence (including those that have expired)Permanent
Property records (such as deeds, blueprints, etc)Permanent
Tax exemption documents (such as federal and state applications, determination letters and supporting documentation, etcPermanent
Executed contracts & leases10 years beyond termination

Financial Records

Name of RecordRetention Time
CPA reports & correspondence (such as audits, reviews, compliations, etc)Permanent
Annual Treasurer’s financial report/statementsPermanent
Annual IRS 990 information with tax return worksheets & backupPermanent
General Ledger10 years, then destroy
Subsidiary Ledgers7 years, then destroy
Contribution year-end statements7 years, then destroy
Annual IRS 990 information returns tax return worksheets & backup7 years, then destroy
Vendor invoices & supporting documentation (including W9 & 1099 forms)5 years, then destroy
Bank statements & reconciliations, canceled checks, check registers, investment account statements, etc5 years, then destroy
Contribution envelopes & other supporting documentation – for restricted purposed3 years beyond restriction being met, then destroy
Contribution year-end statement envelopes & other supporting documentation3 years, then destroy
Petty cash vouchers3 years, then destroy
Monthly Treasurer’s financial Reports/statements3 years, then destroy
Journal entries3 years, then destroy
Budgets3 years, then destroy
Annual trial balance3 years, then destroy
Bank deposit slips & remittance advices1 year beyond payment/filling, then destroy

Human Resource Records

Name of RecordRetention Time
Payroll tax returns10 years, then destroy
Personnel records including application, INS I-9 reviews, etc7 years beyond termination, then destroy
Time cards5 years, then destroy
Expense reports5 years, then destroy
Employment applications of those not hired1 year, then destroy

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Year-end Giving Idea!

The stock market has risen 26% in 2024! Have you considered giving appreciated stock to Amazima? Your gift qualifies for a deduction for the full value of the stock AND it bypasses any capital gains tax on the appreciation.