Our Story
In December of 2006, 18-year-old Katie Davis traveled to Uganda for the first time. She was immediately captivated by the people and the culture, and knew she would be back. Less than a year later, Katie returned to Uganda and it has been home ever since.
Despite her own plans, God led Katie to found Amazima Ministries in 2008 and made her a mother to 13 beautiful girls by the time she was 23. The word “Amazima” means “truth” in the native Luganda language and speaks to Katie’s desire to see lives transformed, relationships restored, and communities changed through the truth of Jesus Christ.
Ministry Timeline
Serving in Uganda since 2007.

2007 - 2008
Katie moved to Uganda and began her “Kisses from Katie” blog. Amazima Ministries International was established. Sponsorship Program began with 40 Students.

Masese Feeding Program was launched, and grew to 1200 children receiving meals. Purchased “The Land” in Buziika – home of the Saturday Programs.

Masese Beading Circle began. 50 Students in Masese were enrolled in Nursery Classes.

Kisses from Katie was released and debuted on NY Times Bestseller List. Sponsorship Program grew to 393 Students. Construction of Chapel in Buziika was completed.

Our first Farming God’s Way Seminar was offered to the community. Measles and polio immunizations for 482 children in Masese. First annual showing of The Jesus Film in Buziika.

Land was purchased for The Amazima School. 189 Students in Masese were enrolled in Nursery Classes. Nurse’s Clinic in Buziika was built and opened for students and the community

Plans announced to build The Amazima School in partnership with Engineering Ministries International.

Groundbreaking for The Amazima School.

Unprecedented growth in Community Outreaches: Scholarship Program grew to 600 Students. Over 100 Bible studies in the community. Medical Care was provided for 4,304 Ugandans.

The Amazima School opened with 72 Students enrolled. Daring to Hope was released and debuted on NY Times Bestseller List. 23 School Construction Workers were baptized.

14 Students publicly declared their faith by choosing to be baptized. Plans announced for The Amazima Primary School opening in 2020.

The Amazima Primary School began construction on our property in Buziika. The Buziika property was the home for our “Saturday Program”.

In the midst of a very strict shutdown of the country due to Covid-19, our scholarship team brought bags of food to all of our scholarship families for as long as they needed.

Amazima continued to educate and disciple students and families through small groups and home visits during strict pandemic guidelines. A 40-foot container full of critical school supplies arrived in Jinja thanks to the generosity of our ministry partners. Not a single Ugandan staff member lost their job amidst world-wide layoffs.

The Amazima Primary School opened its doors. Refined Amazima’s mission statement. Re-opened the Amazima Secondary School after the Covid-19 shutdown.

100% pass rate on the S4 national assessment exams. Katie releases Safe All Along and Our Faithful God.

Our first class of students graduated from the Amazima School and every grade (P1 – S6) was filled.

The Story Continues
Katie with her husband, Benji, and their 15 children.
Katie Davis Majors is the author of the New York Times bestseller Kisses from Katie (2011) and Daring to Hope (2017), as well as Safe All Along (2023) and Our Faithful God (2023).