Community Engagement

When we commit to a student, we also commit to their families. We know how difficult it would be for a student to thrive if they know their family is struggling at home. To address this need, we have the community engagement department that is entirely dedicated to empowering, supporting, and encouraging families financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Cluster Groups

When there are student families living in the same villages, we gather them together in cluster groups. These clusters bring people together so they have a community they can lean on and with which they can engage in fellowship. Within these groups, our social workers put on Bible studies and conduct vocational training sessions.

Home Visits

Our social workers visit each of the families at their homes on a regular basis to build relationships with them. Our social workers go to encourage them, listen to their ideas and concerns, pray together, and much more. There are also routine community fellowships where the gospel is taught and the guardians come together to worship.


Since 2012, Amazima has provided “Farming God’s Way” training to our students’ parents and guardians to equip them to better care for their families. Now serving over 250 farmers every year, Farming God’s Way addresses the problems our families are facing by addressing the spiritual aspects of poverty while giving them sustainable and profitable methods for farming.

Home Building​

Amazima’s home-building outreach builds up to 6 homes per year. This ministry helps our student families who are living in very vulnerable or unstable homes. If selected, our Community Engagement Department comes alongside them to complete the building process so they have a new and safe home in which to live.

Vocational Training

With a desire to not only see our students thrive, but their families as well, we host vocational training in the community cluster groups. Training our parents and guardians with the necessary skills to make an income and provide for their families is important to help them maintain dignity and fulfillment. Some examples of past training include tower kitchen gardening, soap-making, and communal commercial gardening.

Village Saving and Loans​

Amazima’s team has worked with local officials to register Village Saving and Loan Associations within our villages. Families are able to come together to learn more about financial literacy, grow in their business skills and create income-generating opportunities. Our social workers conduct regular field visits where they provide technical support and guidance.
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Year-end Giving Idea!

The stock market has risen 26% in 2024! Have you considered giving appreciated stock to Amazima? Your gift qualifies for a deduction for the full value of the stock AND it bypasses any capital gains tax on the appreciation.