Introducing our New CEO!

Meet Rachel Weir!


We are excited to welcome Rachel Weir, Amazima’s new Chief Executive Officer! Like our founder Katie Davis Majors, Rachel is a Nashville-native who followed God’s call to Uganda and whose heart has been captured by the people there.

“I watched Rachel at a distance as she led another ministry so graciously and really took it to the next level,” said Katie, Amazima’s founder. “I knew that we needed a strong and courageous leader who was not afraid of things that might look impossible. Someone who could execute my dreams and who had a deep love and passion for the people of Uganda. We have found that in Rachel.”

Rachel joins us bringing a valuable background in the corporate financial world, with past experiences working at Ernst and Young and Hospital Corporation of America. She has spent the last six years working with HEAL Ministries based in Jinja, Uganda, where she most recently served as the Executive Director.

HEAL seeks to build relationships and implement Christ-centered programs addressing the spiritual, emotional and physical well-being of abandoned women and children. Under her leadership, HEAL increased the student population by 60%, purchased 4 acres of land and built a school campus, launched several outreach programs, and more than doubled the annual budget.

Rachel’s corporate and non-profit business experience, paired with her passion for the people of Uganda, make her a perfect fit to lead Amazima into the next chapter where we will launch our first ever graduating class to university and their first jobs.

“I’ve been observing Amazima for the past six years and am truly impressed by their dedication to strengthening communities and making a lasting impact in Uganda,” Rachel says. “Now we have the incredible opportunity to forge a transformative path for our students as they graduate and embark on their vocational journeys. By equipping them with the love of Christ, knowledge, and support they need, we are not only setting them up for personal success but empowering them to become catalysts for positive change within their nation.”

Rachel is married to her husband, Trey, and they have three children, including their adopted Ugandan daughter. While they have loved their time in Uganda, they are excited to be relocating to Franklin, Tennessee, where Rachel will carry out her duties in the stateside office. Rachel is passionate about serving the vulnerable children in Uganda and is most excited about joining Amazima at the time where we will launch our first ever graduating class in December of 2024.

“When you live in Uganda, there’s just something that gets into your soul. From the red dirt roads to the warmth of the people, the vibrant way of life, and the tight-knit community, it’s a place that captures your heart and makes you fall in love with every bit of it,” Rachel says as she reflects on her time living there.

We share this news with great joy and we know that God will use her greatly as she leads Amazima into the next chapter of growth. From Katie and all of us at Amazima, welcome Rachel!

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