Visit Request

Thank you for your interest in scheduling a visit to Amazima Ministries in Uganda!

“When Can I Visit?”

We love hosting visitors by appointment at The Amazima School in Uganda every Tuesday from 9:00-10:30AM.

“What Can I Expect?”

Our goal is to give you a glimpse of the work we have the privilege to be a part of. If you are interested, much of our ministry philosophy comes from the book by Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett, When Helping Hurts.

Please note that no student pictures will be allowed while on campus.

If you would like to visit us in Uganda, please complete the visit request form below. An Amazima team member will contact you once we receive your completed request.

Our Founder, Katie Davis Majors, is typically unable to be at our ministry property during this time. A member of Amazima’s staff will be your host to give you an overview of the property and our programs.

We are humbled and grateful for your interest in Amazima and we look forward to seeing you in Uganda!

Visit Request Form

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Year-end Giving Idea!

The stock market has risen 26% in 2024! Have you considered giving appreciated stock to Amazima? Your gift qualifies for a deduction for the full value of the stock AND it bypasses any capital gains tax on the appreciation.