A Transformed Life, A New Creation

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As we take inventory of all the amazing things God is doing through your partnership, we’ve begun to notice a few familiar themes. Each story of impact is a testimony of God at work – transforming lives, restoring relationships, and changing communities. This work, that starts inside the human heart when the Gospel is received, brings change from the inside out. This transformation is too good to be contained, and as we care for it properly, will spread with no end in sight.

Throughout 2020, we will be taking you on a journey to see the ways God is moving through Amazima – transforming lives, restoring relationships, and changing communities.

Today we’ve asked Mathius, a student from The Amazima School, to share about the transformation that has taken place in his life. Because of His relationship with Jesus, he has become a new creation and now lives his life to serve others.

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The stock market has risen 26% in 2024! Have you considered giving appreciated stock to Amazima? Your gift qualifies for a deduction for the full value of the stock AND it bypasses any capital gains tax on the appreciation.