The End Goal: Discipleship


If you’ve been around Amazima for any length of time, then you know what we are all about: Discipleship. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus through authentic relationships, excellent education, and strengthened communities.

There are many ways we have intentionally set up our schools to enable discipleship as a thread throughout all that we do. In a ratio of 1:8, our family mentors live in homes with our students. The mentors lead a Bible study every morning and in 2023 alone, they led over 1800 studies with our students.

All of our teaching is done through a biblical perspective and we hire teachers that are passionate about discipling the next generation. Our excellent education is not just to prepare them for a hopeful future, which it does, but most importantly to teach them who they are in Christ.

Solomon Tatwebwa, Assistant Director of Studies, says it well in the video above,

“In my planning of what I am going to teach, I have [discipleship] in the back of my mind. This is the end goal: modeling them after the likeness of Christ.”

We also believe in investing into our students’ families, so we have many practices in place for discipleship to take place in families and their communities. Last year, our student life mentors did over 800 home visits and over 50 Bible studies in the students’ communities. We also invite our students’ parents to join cluster groups, which allows them to meet regularly with others in their communities to study together and enjoy fellowship.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:34-35

We are continually working to foster an environment of love in which every student, and their family, can flourish in their relationship with Christ. We never cease to be amazed at all God has done and will continue to do. We are grateful for where we’ve been and excited for what’s to come.

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The stock market has risen 26% in 2024! Have you considered giving appreciated stock to Amazima? Your gift qualifies for a deduction for the full value of the stock AND it bypasses any capital gains tax on the appreciation.