Pouring into our Staff

2024-03 pouring into our staff featured image

If you’ve been around Amazima long at all, then you know we are all about discipleship. Our teachers and staff invest in our students inside and outside of the classroom in order to make disciples of Jesus. But who pours into our staff as they are pouring into our students? This is where our Staff Life team, led by David Ojambo, comes into play.

Just as we desire all of our students to develop into disciples, we also want to make sure our staff is continually developing into disciples.

The mission of our staff life team is: Discipling the Amazima family with Biblical truth and equipping them to minister in their communities as effective disciples of Jesus Christ.

Meet the faces who strive to uphold that mission!

This team launched in 2021 with the hope that our staff will:

  1. Grow in their faith/walk with Jesus
  2. Grow in the knowledge and understanding of God’s Word
  3. Be trained to minister to others

This team meets individually with our staff, as well as weekly through discipleship group settings, to provide prayer gatherings, pastoral care, Bible and discipleship training, and special events (which are based directly on any gaps or needs felt among the staff as a whole).

We are so grateful for the shepherds of our flock! As they pour into our staff, so our staff pours into our students, and our students into their communities.

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Year-end Giving Idea!

The stock market has risen 26% in 2024! Have you considered giving appreciated stock to Amazima? Your gift qualifies for a deduction for the full value of the stock AND it bypasses any capital gains tax on the appreciation.